德尔福科技推出“Master of Motion”活动以支持修理厂和维修技师
Press Release - Delphi Technologies, a brand of BorgWarner Inc., is launching a sustained campaign aimed at supporting technicians and workshops directly. The campaign named Masters of Motion pro-actively engages with the changing automotive landscape and those who will be at the front lines of service: the workshop.
Thousands of technicians engaged
Partnership and support are values that were important to embody from the very beginning and is why the Delphi Technologies team went directly into workshop settings to undertake an impressive amount of research for the campaign. Surveys were conducted in 4000 workshops as well as 4 in-depth consultations groups to ensure that technician’s real-world experience was captured. The research spanned across 10 countries in Europe, and as a result Masters of Motion is committed to a cross-cultural focus throughout its content and execution.
Transformative connection with workshops
The resources that Masters of Motion offers are in direct response to the findings from the consultation stage. The suite of content will kick-off with a new digital portal and will become a familiar hub for users as more how to videos, graphics, and guides get added to it over time. The content is especially aimed at technicians and will continue to be developed in partnership with workshops. Masters of Motion will span multiple online and offline touchpoints with the technicians to support them where, when, and how they work.
Visit the Masters of Motion Hub >
Continuing commitment to workshops
Delphi Technologies has always prided itself on a parts portfolio centred around ‘Workshop Solutions’; a host of other tools and resources needed by workshops for an end-to-end solution. Masters of Motion represents a sustained commitment to prioritising the workshop and technician in Delphi Technologies’ drive to lead the automotive aftermarket. The campaign will help by supporting and upskilling technicians in today’s technology and set the foundations for future developments including connectivity and electrification.
Masters of Motion tools are also going to help the workshop’s distributor partners, who are themselves key supporters of the technician’s work and instrumental in ensuring that fast-moving workshops have the best resources at their fingertips. “At Delphi Technologies, we are striving to support the technician who is ultimately the backbone of the aftermarket. We want them to feel heard and understood as the experts that they are, and so Masters of Motion was born” Remarks Jean-Francois Bouveyron, VP and General Manager Aftermarket EMEA BorgWarner. He continues; “What was clear from our time with workshops is that they want assistance for new unfamiliar technology that’s coming, but they need that support to start with what is in their vehicle bay today. We don’t need to be afraid of the future, we just need to be prepared! We are delighted to launch Masters of Motion across Europe and move closer to a sustainable long-term aftermarket.”