Course Overview
Course number: SV22502
Electrified vehicles (HEVs, PHEVs and BEVs) are no longer playing "hide and seek" from the world of automotive HVAC service. They're shouting "ready or we come!" Hybrids (HEVs) have been gaining in numbers for over 20 years. The "plug-ins" (PHEVs and BEVs) will be lined up for service sooner than you think. High voltage/unique HVAC related components used in these vehicles can seem hidden and their technologies can seem hopelessly complicated. Allow Delphi to help you seek the hidden and simplify the complicated!
AudienceAll automotive aftermarket technicians and educators
Skill levelIntermediate to advanced

This course includes:
- High voltage safety review
- Electric A/C compressor operation and service
- Heat pumps and high voltage electric heaters (common on PHEVs and BEVs)
- Power electronics and high voltage battery thermal management
- Coping with "range anxiety" and cabin temperature preconditioning
- J1772 and Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) operation and diagnostics