Course Overview
Course number: SV22407
Your customer’s ignition system is the ‘heartbeat’ of their engine. Are you the ‘heart doctor’ that you need to be to diagnose problems quickly and accurately? Your father’s ‘big box’ engine analyzer may be obsolete on vehicles with C.O.P. (Coil On Plug) ignition systems but the advanced diagnostics it provided in its day can be easily replicated with some practical methods you may be overlooking.
AudienceAll automotive aftermarket technicians
Skill levelIntermediate to advanced
PrerequisitesProficiency with scan tool; understanding of OBD-II and vehicle ignition systems

This course includes:
- Spark systems – ignition circuit review
- C.O.P.s of every variety; 2-wire, 3-wire, and 4-wire
- Meters and bench testing; what can we still do?
- C.O.P. diagnostic feedback circuits
- Scoping voltage and current; the “EKG and MRI” of ignition testing
- Misfire madness: remembering the simple things that steal the spark