Test Equipment (Hartridge)

Our products span various fuel injector technologies including diesel and gasoline, from legacy technology to the latest euro 6 applications. Hartridge test equipment is a key component of Delphi diagnostics portfolio, and part of the full-service solution characteristic of the Delphi range.
Part diagnostics test equipment hartridge CRI PRO


Founded in London in 1930, Leslie Hartridge and the team of engineers began building test benches for the technology of the day. At the beginning of World War 2 the organization was moved out of London for safety and found a home in Buckingham. Hartridge secured its reputation even in the early years for excellent engineering and use of latest technologies, which persists to this day.

All-Makes and Authorization

Hartridge product range offers both All-Makes coverage and authorized testing. Our OE heritage and partnerships with OE manufacturers mean a number of our test benches carry authorization for official workshops. Our non-authorized solutions, or All-Makes products, also boast considerable coverage of the top 5 OEMS and more, giving a comprehensive solution for non-authorized workshops.


The majority of our products are operated by the powerful magmahTouch software. magmah has gone through many iterations, in keeping with our latest product developments, to now be an intuitive interface with your Hartridge machine. With flexible licensing options, free of charge updates, and free of charge cloud back up the current magmahTouch software is everything a piece of modern test equipment should be. 

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